

A dark art-house cinema experience described as ‘an exploration of German expressionism and Soviet propaganda films’, this truly inspiring project developed by the critically-acclaimed 85A Collective in Glasgow for G.I fringe 2012. Filmed on Panasonic’s M10, M40, M50 model VHS video tape cameras gave the footage a truly low-fi, gritty quality but also maintaining a certain level of comic absurdity. The film accompanied a colossal interactive experience which had the audience… ‘quite literally taken on a surreptitious ride through a series of multi-sensory scenes from the film within a large-scale post-industrial environment, the awe-struck audience experienced mesmerizing mechanical kinetic sculptures, immersive set design, intense lighting + projection, pummeling live music, salvos of sound design and rapid-fire performance…with the terrified cinéaste ultimately ‘projected’ into the film itself!’



Dazed and Confused

The Scotsman

Clash Magazine